creating images with CFSpark

AI Generated Art

creating images with CFSpark

I’ve been going through all of the posts here on my site and tagging everything I’ve generated with AI as well as updating descriptions to let you know what work I’ve done on each item after creating it in AI, which is usually quite a bit.

I don’t just generate something and package it up and put it on the blog. I spend a lot of time in Photoshop working on these images to get them to a point where I feel they are worth putting up on the blog here for you guys 😍

I know AI is new, and everyone is a bit excited and a bit nervous about it so I wanted to be transparent about which items are AI generated. I use (and pay for) CFSpark AI and everything I design there is able to be used by me for any purpose I want; to sell, to give away as freebies, print and sell, etc. per their terms of use.

I’m still creating my own original items and posting them here on the blog for you too, but I wanted to update my posts to make sure everyone knows which items are done with AI 😊

And….if you’d like to see some of the things I’ve created with CFSpark and put up on Creative Fabrica, click the image below or go HERE.


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